Getting started


Domino is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip.


Domino is currently being actively developed. We recommend installing using the “Latest” or “Editable” tabs for the most up to date version.

pip install domino

Optional dependencies

Some parts of Domino rely on optional dependencies. To install all optional dependencies use:

pip install domino[all]

You can also install specific groups optional of dependencies using something like:

pip install domino[text]

See for a full list of optional dependencies.

To install the latest development version of Domino use:

pip install "domino @ git+"

Optional Dependencies

Some parts of Domino rely on optional dependencies. To install all optional dependencies use:

pip install "domino[all] @ git+"

You can also install specific groups optional of dependencies using something like:

pip install "domino[text] @ git+"

See for a full list of optional dependencies.

To install from editable source, clone the domino repository and pip install in editable mode.

git clone
cd domino
pip install -e .

Optional Dependencies

Some parts of Domino rely on optional dependencies. To install all optional dependencies use:

pip install -e .[dev]

You can also install specific groups optional of dependencies using something like:

pip install -e .[text]

See for a full list of optional dependencies.