Source code for domino._slice.barlow

from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Value
from typing import Union

import meerkat as mk
import numpy as np
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier

from domino.utils import convert_to_numpy, unpack_args
from .abstract import Slicer

[docs]class BarlowSlicer(Slicer): r""" Slice Discovery based on the Barlow [singla_2021]_. Discover slices using a decision tree. TODO(singlasahil14): add any more details describing your method .. note: The authors of the Barlow paper use this slicer with embeddings from a classifier trained using an adversarially robust loss [engstrom_2019]_. To compute embeddings using such a classifier, pass ``encoder="robust"`` to ``domino.embed``. Examples -------- Suppose you've trained a model and stored its predictions on a dataset in a `Meerkat DataPanel <>`_ with columns "emb", "target", and "pred_probs". After loading the DataPanel, you can discover underperforming slices of the validation dataset with the following: .. code-block:: python from domino import BarlowSlicer dp = ... # Load dataset into a Meerkat DataPanel # split dataset valid_dp = dp.lz[dp["split"] == "valid"] test_dp = dp.lz[dp["split"] == "test"] barlow = BarlowSlicer() data=valid_dp, embeddings="emb", targets="target", pred_probs="pred_probs" ) dp["barlow_slices"] = barlow.transform( data=test_dp, embeddings="emb", targets="target", pred_probs="pred_probs" ) Args: n_slices (int, optional): The number of slices to discover. Defaults to 5. max_depth (str, optional): The maximum depth of the desicion tree. Defaults to 3. If None, then nodes are expanded until all leaves are pure or until all leaves contain less than 2 samples. See SKlearn documentation for more information. n_features (int, optional): The number features from the embedding to use. Defaults to 128. Features are selcted using mutual information estimate. pbar (bool, optional): Whether to show a progress bar. Ignored for barlow. .. [singla_2021] Singla, Sahil, et al. "Understanding failures of deep networks via robust feature extraction." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2021. .. [engstrom_2019] @misc{robustness, title={Robustness (Python Library)}, author={Logan Engstrom and Andrew Ilyas and Hadi Salman and Shibani Santurkar and Dimitris Tsipras}, year={2019}, url={} } """ def __init__( self, n_slices: int = 5, max_depth: int = 3, # TODO(singlasahil14): confirm this default n_features: int = 128, # TODO(singlasahil14): confirm this default pbar: bool = True, ): super().__init__(n_slices=n_slices) self.config.max_depth = max_depth self.config.n_features = n_features # parameters set after a call to fit self._feature_indices = None self._important_leaf_ids = None self._decision_tree = None def fit( self, data: Union[dict, mk.DataPanel] = None, embeddings: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "embedding", targets: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "target", pred_probs: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "pred_probs", ) -> BarlowSlicer: """ Fit the decision tree to data. Args: data (mk.DataPanel, optional): A `Meerkat DataPanel` with columns for embeddings, targets, and prediction probabilities. The names of the columns can be specified with the ``embeddings``, ``targets``, and ``pred_probs`` arguments. Defaults to None. embeddings (Union[str, np.ndarray], optional): The name of a colum in ``data`` holding embeddings. If ``data`` is ``None``, then an np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, dimension of embedding). Defaults to "embedding". targets (Union[str, np.ndarray], optional): The name of a column in ``data`` holding class labels. If ``data`` is ``None``, then an np.ndarray of shape (n_samples,). Defaults to "target". pred_probs (Union[str, np.ndarray], optional): The name of a column in ``data`` holding model predictions (can either be "soft" probability scores or "hard" 1-hot encoded predictions). If ``data`` is ``None``, then an np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes) or (n_samples,) in the binary case. Defaults to "pred_probs". Returns: BarlowSlicer: Returns a fit instance of BarlowSlicer. """ embeddings, targets, pred_probs = unpack_args( data, embeddings, targets, pred_probs ) embeddings, targets, pred_probs = convert_to_numpy( embeddings, targets, pred_probs ) if pred_probs.ndim > 1: preds = pred_probs.argmax(axis=-1) else: preds = pred_probs > 0.5 success = preds == targets failure = np.logical_not(success) sparse_features, feature_indices = _select_important_features( embeddings, failure, num_features=self.config.n_features, method="mutual_info", ) self._feature_indices = feature_indices decision_tree = _train_decision_tree( sparse_features, failure, max_depth=self.config.max_depth, criterion="entropy", ) ( error_rate_array, error_coverage_array, ) = decision_tree.compute_leaf_error_rate_coverage(sparse_features, failure) important_leaf_ids = _important_leaf_nodes( decision_tree, error_rate_array, error_coverage_array ) self._decision_tree = decision_tree self._important_leaf_ids = important_leaf_ids return self def predict( self, data: Union[dict, mk.DataPanel] = None, embeddings: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "embedding", targets: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "target", pred_probs: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "pred_probs", ) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict slice membership according to the learnt decision tree. .. caution:: Must call ```` prior to calling ``BarlowSlicer.predict``. Args: data (mk.DataPanel, optional): A `Meerkat DataPanel` with columns for embeddings, targets, and prediction probabilities. The names of the columns can be specified with the ``embeddings``, ``targets``, and ``pred_probs`` arguments. Defaults to None. embeddings (Union[str, np.ndarray], optional): The name of a colum in ``data`` holding embeddings. If ``data`` is ``None``, then an np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, dimension of embedding). Defaults to "embedding". targets (Union[str, np.ndarray], optional): The name of a column in ``data`` holding class labels. If ``data`` is ``None``, then an np.ndarray of shape (n_samples,). Defaults to "target". pred_probs (Union[str, np.ndarray], optional): The name of a column in ``data`` holding model predictions (can either be "soft" probability scores or "hard" 1-hot encoded predictions). If ``data`` is ``None``, then an np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes) or (n_samples,) in the binary case. Defaults to "pred_probs". Returns: np.ndarray: A binary ``np.ndarray`` of shape (n_samples, n_slices) where values are either 1 or 0. """ if self._decision_tree is None: raise ValueError( "Must call `fit` prior to calling `predict` or `predict_proba`." ) (embeddings,) = unpack_args(data, embeddings) (embeddings,) = convert_to_numpy(embeddings) embeddings = embeddings[:, self._feature_indices] leaves = self._decision_tree.apply(embeddings) # (n_samples,) # convert to 1-hot encoding of size (n_samples, n_slices) using broadcasting slices = ( leaves[:, np.newaxis] == self._important_leaf_ids[np.newaxis, :] ).astype(int) return slices def predict_proba( self, data: Union[dict, mk.DataPanel] = None, embeddings: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "embedding", targets: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "target", pred_probs: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "pred_probs", ) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict slice membership according to the learnt decision tree. .. warning:: Because the decision tree does not produce probabilistic leaf assignments, this method is equivalent to `predict` .. caution:: Must call ```` prior to calling ``BarlowSlicer.predict_proba``. Args: data (mk.DataPanel, optional): A `Meerkat DataPanel` with columns for embeddings, targets, and prediction probabilities. The names of the columns can be specified with the ``embeddings``, ``targets``, and ``pred_probs`` arguments. Defaults to None. embeddings (Union[str, np.ndarray], optional): The name of a colum in ``data`` holding embeddings. If ``data`` is ``None``, then an np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, dimension of embedding). Defaults to "embedding". targets (Union[str, np.ndarray], optional): The name of a column in ``data`` holding class labels. If ``data`` is ``None``, then an np.ndarray of shape (n_samples,). Defaults to "target". pred_probs (Union[str, np.ndarray], optional): The name of a column in ``data`` holding model predictions (can either be "soft" probability scores or "hard" 1-hot encoded predictions). If ``data`` is ``None``, then an np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes) or (n_samples,) in the binary case. Defaults to "pred_probs". Returns: np.ndarray: A ``np.ndarray`` of shape (n_samples, n_slices) where values in are in range [0,1] and rows sum to 1. """ return self.predict(data, embeddings, targets, pred_probs)
def _mutual_info_select(train_features_class, train_failure_class, num_features=20): from sklearn.feature_selection import mutual_info_classif mi = mutual_info_classif(train_features_class, train_failure_class, random_state=0) important_features_indices = np.argsort(mi)[-num_features:] important_features_values = mi[important_features_indices] return important_features_indices, important_features_values def _feature_importance_select(train_features_class, num_features=20): fi = np.mean(train_features_class, axis=0) important_features_indices = np.argsort(fi)[-num_features:] important_features_values = fi[important_features_indices] return important_features_indices, important_features_values def _select_important_features( train_features, train_failure, num_features=20, method="mutual_info" ): """Perform feature selection using some prespecified method such as mutual information. Args: train_features (_type_): _description_ train_failure (_type_): _description_ num_features (int, optional): _description_. Defaults to 20. method (str, optional): _description_. Defaults to 'mutual_info'. Raises: ValueError: _description_ Returns: _type_: _description_ """ if method == "mutual_info": important_indices, _ = _mutual_info_select( train_features, train_failure, num_features=num_features ) elif method == "feature_importance": important_indices, _ = _feature_importance_select( train_features, num_features=num_features ) else: raise ValueError("Unknown feature selection method") train_sparse_features = train_features[:, important_indices] return train_sparse_features, important_indices class BarlowDecisionTreeClassifier(DecisionTreeClassifier): """Extension of scikit-learn's DecisionTreeClassifier""" def fit_tree(self, train_data, train_labels): """Learn decision tree using features 'train_data' and labels 'train_labels""" num_true = np.sum(train_labels) num_false = np.sum(np.logical_not(train_labels)) if self.class_weight == "balanced": self.float_class_weight = num_false / num_true elif isinstance(self.class_weight, dict): keys_list = list(self.class_weight.keys()) assert len(keys_list) == 2 assert 0 in keys_list assert 1 in keys_list self.float_class_weight = self.class_weight[1], train_labels) true_dict, false_dict = self.compute_TF_dict(train_data, train_labels) self.train_true_dict = dict(true_dict) self.train_false_dict = dict(false_dict) self._compute_parent() true_array = np.array(list(true_dict)) false_array = np.array(list(false_dict)) unique_leaf_ids = np.union1d(true_array, false_array) self.leaf_ids = unique_leaf_ids true_leaves = [] for leaf_id in unique_leaf_ids: true_count = true_dict[leaf_id] false_count = false_dict[leaf_id] if true_count * self.float_class_weight > false_count: true_leaves.append(leaf_id) self.true_leaves = true_leaves return self def _compute_parent(self): """Find the parent of every leaf node""" n_nodes = self.tree_.node_count children_left = self.tree_.children_left children_right = self.tree_.children_right self.parent = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=np.int64) stack = [0] while len(stack) > 0: node_id = stack.pop() child_left = children_left[node_id] child_right = children_right[node_id] if child_left != child_right: self.parent[child_left] = node_id self.parent[child_right] = node_id stack.append(child_left) stack.append(child_right) def compute_leaf_data(self, data, leaf_id): """Find which of the data points lands in the leaf node with identifier 'leaf_id'""" leaf_ids = self.apply(data) return np.nonzero(leaf_ids == leaf_id)[0] def compute_leaf_truedata(self, data, labels, leaf_id): """Find which of the data points lands in the leaf node with identifier 'leaf_id' and for which the prediction is 'true'.""" leaf_ids = self.apply(data) leaf_data_indices = np.nonzero(leaf_ids == leaf_id)[0] leaf_failure_labels = labels[leaf_data_indices] leaf_failure_indices = leaf_data_indices[leaf_failure_labels] return leaf_failure_indices def compute_TF_dict(self, data, labels): """ Returns two dictionaries 'true_dict' and 'false_dict'. true_dict maps every leaf_id to the number of correctly classified data points in the leaf with that leaf_id. false_dict maps every leaf_id to the number of incorrectly classified data points in the leaf with that leaf_id. """ def create_dict(unique, counts, dtype=int): count_dict = defaultdict(dtype) for u, c in zip(unique, counts): count_dict[u] = count_dict[u] + c return count_dict leaf_ids = self.apply(data) true_leaf_ids = leaf_ids[np.nonzero(labels)] false_leaf_ids = leaf_ids[np.nonzero(np.logical_not(labels))] true_unique, _, true_unique_counts = np.unique( true_leaf_ids, return_index=True, return_counts=True ) true_dict = create_dict(true_unique, true_unique_counts) false_unique, _, false_unique_counts = np.unique( false_leaf_ids, return_index=True, return_counts=True ) false_dict = create_dict(false_unique, false_unique_counts) return true_dict, false_dict def compute_precision_recall(self, data, labels, compute_ALER=True): """ Compute precision and recall for the tree. Also compute Average Leaf Error Rate if compute_ALER is True. """ true_dict, false_dict = self.compute_TF_dict(data, labels) total_true = np.sum(labels) total_pred = 0 total = 0 for leaf_id in self.true_leaves: true_count = true_dict[leaf_id] false_count = false_dict[leaf_id] total_pred += true_count total += true_count + false_count precision = total_pred / total recall = total_pred / total_true if compute_ALER: average_precision = self.compute_average_leaf_error_rate(data, labels) return precision, recall, average_precision else: return precision, recall def compute_average_leaf_error_rate(self, data, labels): """Compute Average Leaf Error Rate using the trained decision tree""" num_true = np.sum(labels) true_dict, false_dict = self.compute_TF_dict(data, labels) avg_leaf_error_rate = 0 for leaf_id in self.leaf_ids: true_count = true_dict[leaf_id] false_count = false_dict[leaf_id] if true_count + false_count > 0: curr_error_coverage = true_count / num_true curr_error_rate = true_count / (true_count + false_count) avg_leaf_error_rate += curr_error_coverage * curr_error_rate return avg_leaf_error_rate def compute_decision_path(self, leaf_id, important_features_indices=None): """Compute decision_path (the set of decisions used to arrive at a certain leaf) """ assert leaf_id in self.leaf_ids features_arr = self.tree_.feature thresholds_arr = self.tree_.threshold children_left = self.tree_.children_left children_right = self.tree_.children_right path = [] curr_node = leaf_id while curr_node > 0: parent_node = self.parent[curr_node] is_left_child = children_left[parent_node] == curr_node is_right_child = children_right[parent_node] == curr_node assert is_left_child ^ is_right_child if is_left_child: direction = "left" else: direction = "right" curr_node = parent_node curr_feature = features_arr[curr_node] curr_threshold = np.round(thresholds_arr[curr_node], 6) if important_features_indices is not None: curr_feature_original = important_features_indices[curr_feature] else: curr_feature_original = curr_feature path.insert( 0, (curr_node, curr_feature_original, curr_threshold, direction) ) return path def compute_leaf_error_rate_coverage(self, data, labels): """Compute error rate and error coverage for every node in the tree.""" total_failures = np.sum(labels) true_dict, false_dict = self.compute_TF_dict(data, labels) n_nodes = self.tree_.node_count children_left = self.tree_.children_left children_right = self.tree_.children_right error_rate_array = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=float) error_coverage_array = np.zeros(shape=n_nodes, dtype=float) stack = [(0, True)] while len(stack) > 0: node_id, traverse = stack.pop() child_left = children_left[node_id] child_right = children_right[node_id] if traverse: if child_left != child_right: stack.append((node_id, False)) stack.append((child_left, True)) stack.append((child_right, True)) else: num_true_in_node = true_dict[node_id] num_false_in_node = false_dict[node_id] num_total_in_node = num_true_in_node + num_false_in_node if num_total_in_node > 0: leaf_error_rate = num_true_in_node / num_total_in_node else: leaf_error_rate = 0.0 leaf_error_coverage = num_true_in_node / total_failures error_coverage_array[node_id] = leaf_error_coverage error_rate_array[node_id] = leaf_error_rate else: child_left_ER = error_rate_array[child_left] child_right_ER = error_rate_array[child_right] child_left_EC = error_coverage_array[child_left] child_right_EC = error_coverage_array[child_right] child_ER = ( child_left_ER * child_left_EC + child_right_ER * child_right_EC ) child_EC = child_left_EC + child_right_EC if child_EC > 0: error_rate_array[node_id] = child_ER / child_EC else: error_rate_array[node_id] = 0.0 error_coverage_array[node_id] = child_EC return error_rate_array, error_coverage_array def _train_decision_tree( train_sparse_features, train_failure, max_depth=1, criterion="entropy" ): num_true = np.sum(train_failure) num_false = np.sum(np.logical_not(train_failure)) rel_weight = num_false / num_true class_weight_dict = {0: 1, 1: rel_weight} decision_tree = BarlowDecisionTreeClassifier( max_depth=max_depth, criterion=criterion, class_weight=class_weight_dict ) decision_tree.fit_tree(train_sparse_features, train_failure) return decision_tree def _important_leaf_nodes(decision_tree, precision_array, recall_array): """ Select leaf nodes with highest importance value i.e highest contribution to average leaf error rate. """ leaf_ids = decision_tree.leaf_ids leaf_precision = precision_array[leaf_ids] leaf_recall = recall_array[leaf_ids] leaf_precision_recall = leaf_precision * leaf_recall important_leaves = np.argsort(-leaf_precision_recall) return leaf_ids[important_leaves]