Source code for domino._slice.spotlight

from typing import Union

import meerkat as mk
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.nn.functional import cross_entropy
from tqdm import tqdm

from domino.utils import unpack_args

from .abstract import Slicer

[docs]class SpotlightSlicer(Slicer): r""" Slice a dataset with The Spotlight algorithm [deon_2022]_. TODO: add docstring similar to the Domino one .. [deon_2022] d’Eon, G., d’Eon, J., Wright, J. R. & Leyton-Brown, K. The Spotlight: A General Method for Discovering Systematic Errors in Deep Learning Models. arXiv:2107. 00758 [cs, stat] (2021) """ def __init__( self, n_slices: int = 5, spotlight_size: int = 0.02, # recommended from paper n_steps: int = 1000, learning_rate: float = 1e-3, # default from the implementation device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu"), pbar: bool = False, ): super().__init__(n_slices=n_slices) self.config.spotlight_size = spotlight_size self.config.n_steps = n_steps self.config.learning_rate = learning_rate self.config.device = device self.means = [] self.precisions = [] self.pbar = pbar def fit( self, data: Union[dict, mk.DataPanel] = None, embeddings: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "embedding", targets: Union[str, np.ndarray] = None, pred_probs: Union[str, np.ndarray] = None, losses: Union[str, np.ndarray] = None, **kwargs ): embeddings, targets, pred_probs, losses = unpack_args( data, embeddings, targets, pred_probs, losses ) losses = self._compute_losses( targets=targets, pred_probs=pred_probs, losses=losses ) embeddings = torch.tensor(embeddings).to( dtype=torch.float, device=self.config.device ) all_weights = [] weights_unnorm = None min_weight = losses.shape[0] * self.config.spotlight_size for slice_idx in tqdm(range(self.config.n_slices), disable=not self.pbar): if slice_idx != 0: weights_unnorm = weights_unnorm / max(weights_unnorm) losses = losses * (1 - weights_unnorm) (weights, weights_unnorm, mean, log_precision) = run_spotlight( embeddings=embeddings, losses=losses, min_weight=min_weight, barrier_x_schedule=np.geomspace( # losses.shape[0] - min_weight, 0.05 * min_weight, self.config.n_steps, ), learning_rate=self.config.learning_rate, device=self.config.device, **kwargs ) self.means.append(mean.detach()) self.precisions.append(log_precision.detach()) all_weights.append(weights) return self def predict_proba( self, data: Union[dict, mk.DataPanel] = None, embeddings: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "embedding", targets: Union[str, np.ndarray] = None, pred_probs: Union[str, np.ndarray] = None, losses: Union[str, np.ndarray] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: embeddings, targets, pred_probs, losses = unpack_args( data, embeddings, targets, pred_probs, losses ) losses = self._compute_losses( pred_probs=pred_probs, targets=targets, losses=losses ) embeddings = torch.tensor(embeddings).to( dtype=torch.float, device=self.config.device ) all_weights = [] for slice_idx in range(self.config.n_slices): weights, _, _, _ = md_adversary_weights( mean=self.means[slice_idx], precision=torch.exp(self.precisions[slice_idx]) * torch.eye(self.means[slice_idx].shape[0], device=self.config.device), x=embeddings, losses=losses, ) all_weights.append(weights.cpu().numpy()) return np.stack(all_weights, axis=1) def predict( self, data: mk.DataPanel, embeddings: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "embedding", targets: Union[str, np.ndarray] = None, pred_probs: Union[str, np.ndarray] = None, losses: Union[str, np.ndarray] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: probs = self.predict_proba( data=data, embeddings=embeddings, targets=targets, pred_probs=pred_probs, losses=losses, ) # TODO (Greg): check if this is the preferred way to get hard predictions from # probabilities return (probs > 0.5).astype(np.int32) def _compute_losses( self, targets: np.ndarray, pred_probs: np.ndarray, losses: np.ndarray ): error_msg = "Must either provide `losses` or `pred_probs` and `targets`. " if losses is None: if (targets is None) or (pred_probs is None): raise ValueError(error_msg) pred_probs = ( torch.tensor(pred_probs).to(torch.float32).to(self.config.device) ) targets = torch.tensor(targets).to(torch.long).to(self.config.device) losses = cross_entropy( pred_probs, targets, reduction="none", ) else: if targets is not None or pred_probs is not None: raise ValueError(error_msg) losses = torch.tensor(losses).to(torch.float32).to(self.config.device) return losses
# Source below copied from spotlight implementation # def gaussian_probs(mean, precision, x): # Similarity kernel: describe how similar each point in x is to mean as number in # [0, 1] # - mean: (dims) vector # - precision: (dims, dims) precision matrix; must be PSD # - x: (num_points, dims) set of points dists = torch.sum(((x - mean) @ precision) * (x - mean), axis=1) return torch.exp(-dists / 2) def md_adversary_weights(mean, precision, x, losses, counts=None): # Calculate normalized weights, average loss, and spotlight size for current mean # and precision settings # - mean, precision, x: as in gaussian_probs # - losses: (num_points) vector of losses # - counts: (num_points) vector of number of copies of each point to include. # defaults to all-ones. if counts is None: counts = torch.ones_like(losses) weights_unnorm = gaussian_probs(mean, precision, x) total_weight = weights_unnorm @ counts weights = weights_unnorm / total_weight weighted_loss = (weights * counts) @ losses return (weights, weights_unnorm, weighted_loss, total_weight) def md_objective( mean, precision, x, losses, min_weight, barrier_x, barrier_scale, flip_objective=False, counts=None, labels=None, label_coeff=0.0, predictions=None, prediction_coeff=0.0, ): # main objective weights, _, weighted_loss, total_weight = md_adversary_weights( mean, precision, x, losses ) if flip_objective: weighted_loss = -weighted_loss # barrier if total_weight < (min_weight + barrier_x): barrier_penalty = ( barrier_scale * (total_weight - (min_weight + barrier_x)) ** 2 / barrier_x**2 ) weighted_loss -= barrier_penalty # regularization if labels is not None: categories = torch.arange(max(labels) + 1).reshape(-1, 1) label_probs = (labels == categories).float() @ weights label_entropy = torch.distributions.Categorical( probs=label_probs ).entropy() / np.log(2) weighted_loss -= label_coeff * label_entropy if predictions is not None: categories = torch.arange(max(predictions) + 1).reshape(-1, 1) prediction_probs = (predictions == categories).float() @ weights prediction_entropy = torch.distributions.Categorical( probs=prediction_probs ).entropy() / np.log(2) weighted_loss -= prediction_coeff * prediction_entropy return (weighted_loss, total_weight) class ResetOnPlateau(torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau): def _reduce_lr(self, epoch): super(ResetOnPlateau, self)._reduce_lr(epoch) self._reset() def get_lr(optimizer): for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: return param_group["lr"] def run_spotlight( embeddings, losses, min_weight, barrier_x_schedule, barrier_scale=1, learning_rate=1e-3, scheduler_patience=20, scheduler_decay=0.5, print_every=200, device=0, flip_objective=False, labels=None, counts=None, label_coeff=0.0, predictions=None, prediction_coeff=0.0, ): x = embeddings y = losses dimensions = x.shape[1] mean = torch.zeros((dimensions,), requires_grad=True, device=device).to(torch.float) log_precision = torch.tensor(np.log(0.0001), requires_grad=True, device=device) optimizer = optim.Adam([mean, log_precision], lr=learning_rate) scheduler = ResetOnPlateau( optimizer, patience=scheduler_patience, factor=scheduler_decay ) n_steps = len(barrier_x_schedule) objective_history = [] total_weight_history = [] lr_history = [] print_every = min(print_every, n_steps) for t in tqdm(range(n_steps), disable=True): # removed tqdm here optimizer.zero_grad() precision = torch.exp(log_precision) precision_matrix = torch.eye(x.shape[1], device=device) * precision objective, total_weight = md_objective( mean, precision_matrix, x, y, min_weight, barrier_x_schedule[t], barrier_scale, flip_objective, counts, labels, label_coeff, predictions, prediction_coeff, ) neg_objective = -objective neg_objective.backward() optimizer.step() scheduler.step(neg_objective) objective_history.append(objective.detach().item()) total_weight_history.append(total_weight.detach().item()) lr_history.append(get_lr(optimizer)) if (t + 1) % print_every == 0: precision_matrix = torch.eye( dimensions, device=precision.device ) * torch.exp(log_precision) weights, weights_unnorm, weighted_loss, total_weight = md_adversary_weights( mean, precision_matrix, x, y ) final_weights = weights.detach() final_weights_unnorm = weights_unnorm.detach() return ( final_weights, final_weights_unnorm, mean, log_precision, )