explore(data=None, embeddings='embedding', targets='target', pred_probs='pred_prob', slices='slices', text=None, text_embeddings='embedding', phrase='output_phrase')[source]

Creates a IPyWidget GUI for exploring discovered slices. The GUI includes two sections: (1) The first section displays data visualizations summarizing the model predictions and accuracy stratified by slice. (2) The second section displays a table (i.e. Meerkat DataPanel) of the data examples most representative of each slice. The DataPanel passed to data should include columns for embeddings, targets, pred_probs and slices. Any additional columns will be included in the visualization in section (2).


This GUI works best in the original Jupyter Notebook, and may not work properly in a Jupyter Lab or VSCode environment.

  • data (mk.DataPanel, optional) – A Meerkat DataPanel with columns for embeddings, targets, and prediction probabilities. The names of the columns can be specified with the embeddings, targets, and pred_probs arguments. Defaults to None.

  • embeddings (Union[str, np.ndarray], optional) – The name of a column in data holding embeddings. If data is None, then an np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, dimension of embedding). Defaults to “embedding”.

  • targets (Union[str, np.ndarray], optional) – The name of a column in data holding class labels. If data is None, then an np.ndarray of shape (n_samples,). Defaults to “target”.

  • pred_probs (Union[str, np.ndarray], optional) – The name of a column in data holding model predictions (can either be “soft” probability scores or “hard” 1-hot encoded predictions). If data is None, then an np.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_classes) or (n_samples,) in the binary case. Defaults to “pred_probs”.

  • slices (str, optional) – The name of The name of a column in data holding discovered slices. If data is None, then an np.ndarray of shape (num_examples, num_slices). Defaults to “slices”.

  • text (str, optional) – A Meerkat DataPanel with columns for text phrases and their embeddings. The names of the columns can be specified with the text_embeddings and phrase arguments. Defaults to None.

  • text_embeddings (Union[str, np.ndarray], optional) – The name of a colum in text holding embeddings. If text is None, then an np.ndarray of shape (n_phrases, dimension of embedding). Defaults to “embedding”.

  • phrase (Union[str, np.ndarray], optional) – The name of a column in text holding text phrases. If text is None, then an np.ndarray of shape (n_phrases,). Defaults to “output_phrase”.

Return type



from domino import explore, DominoSDM
dp = ...  # prepare the dataset as a Meerkat DataPanel

# split dataset
valid_dp = dp.lz[dp["split"] == "valid"]
test_dp = dp.lz[dp["split"] == "test"]

domino = DominoSDM()
test_dp["slices"] = domino.transform(
    data=test_dp, embeddings="emb", targets="target", pred_probs="probs"